Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Ready for church

One of my favorite time to take pictures is Sunday mornings. We are all ready for church and no one is messy, yet. Shortly after taking these Seth decided to tide his tricycle. Needless to say the nice white shirt and pale blue seersucker shorts never made it to church this week. I did not get a photo of outfit#2. My favorite photo time had passed!

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Cute Hair

Sarah's hair is getting so long! She does not like to have it fixed into ponytails and such. I convinced her to sit still one day while I braided it. She looked so cute. She is such a pretty girl! Seth also has great hair! Ever since he was a baby you can spike his hair just by combing it when it is wet. It will stay this way for several hours with out the aid of gel, mousse, or hairspray. Eventually it will fall down, but we have fun while it lasts!

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

We love being together.

Once again I caught Seth and Sarah just loving on each other. I am constantly reminded of how incredibly close they are to each other. They don't like being separated at all. If one wakes up before the other they will go and wake up the one who is still sleeping. If one wants cereal the other wants cereal. If one has on flip flops the other wants flip flops. You get my drift. I know this goes on between all siblings and close friends, but I can see a difference between these two. They just love playing and being together. Yes they do fight, but all in all they are pretty content with each other. I am so amazed at how creative God is!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

playin in the pool

Sarah and Seth love playing in the water together. Usually they just sit, splash and pour water into the toys. Today Seth decided that he needed the big floatie. I guess he saw the other kids use it in the big pool. He went and got it and carried it to his wading pool. It was a little funny to watch him figure out the best way to get it to his pool. I don't think he took in to consideration Sarah. The floatie took up almost all the space and she was not to thrilled at being squished into the leftover room. Oh, well things worked out and now they love swimming in the big pool. There is lots of room for everyone!

Friday, June 15, 2007


A few weeks ago our mom watched one of our favorite friends from church. His name is Nate. We love to play with him. He is two weeks older than us. We had so much fun playing outside, inside, downstairs and upstairs! We kept mom busy but she kept saying you all are being so good. We are sure we were no trouble at all!

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Matching outfits

I searched high and low last year, and this spring for these matching outfits. I just had my heart set on them. Well I looked on e-bay and after many attempts I finally have the outfits I wanted. These are not the best pictures but I thought I would include them on their blog anyway. It was very sunny outside so I had a hard time getting them to look at me, go figure :)

Friday, April 27, 2007

Love of Reading

All of my kids love to read or be read too! Sarah is no exception. We let the twins "read" books in their beds at night to wind down before going to sleep. Sarah at the mere mention of bed has been known to run for the bookshelf and grab as many books as she can/cannot carry. You might think this is just a random choice or "grab what you can" method but let me assure it is very calculated. She knows what books are still in her bed from the night before and she knows what she needs for tonight! If you dare try to convince her that maybe one or two books would be fine you are up for a two year olds version of arguing. I have even tried the method of get to her room first and remove some of the books that are already there. Let me assure you this does not get past any child of mine. If books are to be removed from the bed they have to be done by sneaking in after hours ( if you know what I mean) or just by trying once and for all to be the adult and putting my foot down. One afternoon during nap time she fell asleep with a book on her face. I thought it was cute so I took a picture to remember that a love of reading can start very early.